European Buyout Offshore Feeder Fund, Ltd.

The Sustainable Finance Disclosures Regulation (the “SFDR”) requires that financial market participant that markets a product which promotes environmental or social characteristics should publish and maintain on that financial market participant’s website certain information in respect of that product as set out in the SFDR and its supporting regulatory technical standards (the “RTS”).

This disclosure is made in respect of the European Buyout Offshore Feeder Fund, Ltd., a Cayman Islands exempted company (the “Company”). The Company has been established as a feeder fund that will invest substantially all of its assets in the limited partnership interests of EQT X (No.1) USD SCSp, a Luxembourg special limited partnership (société en commandite spéciale) (“EQT X”).

1. Summary

The Company has been established to act as a feeder fund that will invest substantially all of its assets in EQT X. The manager (gérant) and alternative investment fund manager of EQT X (the “Fund Manager”) has determined that EQT X should be classified as an investment product that promotes, among other characteristics, environmental or social characteristics or a combination of those characteristics, within the meaning of Article 8 of the SFDR. The Fund Manager has also determined that EQT X does not intend to make any sustainable investments, including taxonomy-aligned environmentally sustainable investments and no assurance is given that EQT X will make sustainable investments within the meaning of the SFDR or the EU Taxonomy Regulation on the establishment of a framework to facilitate sustainable investment (2022/852) (the “EU Taxonomy Regulation”).

Since the Company’s investment object is to invest substantially all of its assets in EQT X, Citi Global Alternatives, L.L.C. (the "Investment Advisor") has determined that the Company should also be classified as an investment product that promotes environmental or social characteristics within the meaning of Article 8 of the SFDR.

A summary of EQT X’s sustainability-related website disclosures is as follows:

  • No sustainable investment objective: This financial product promotes environmental or social characteristics, but does not have as its objective sustainable investments.
  • Environmental or social characteristics of the financial product: The relevant characteristics promoted by EQT X consist of investing in, and scaling, solutions with a positive environmental and societal impact. These are measured by sustainability indicators (“KPIs”) including: defined targets to reduce GHG emissions; increase in share of renewable energy; promotion of board gender diversity; and governance.
  • Investment strategy: EQT X will primarily make control and co-control equity investments in mid-to-large-sized companies with attractive market positions, significant potential for revenue and earnings growth, positive underlying cashflows and a platform that can retain and/or attract high-quality management. The Fund Manager integrates social considerations throughout the investment cycle. The Fund Manager will evaluate whether potential portfolio companies make a positive societal impact or have transformation potential and will aim to avoid investing in companies whose products, services or practices cause environmental and social harm. Portfolio companies are expected to adhere to EQT’s sustainability expectations, expressed in a set of KPIs. Portfolio companies are also expected to develop plans to reach specific sustainability targets. In addition, the Fund Manager assesses the good governance practices of EQT X’s potential portfolio companies. During ownership, the Fund Manager sets clear expectations with respect to transparency and accountability around sustainability. The board of directors of portfolio companies is expected to actively discuss the approach to improving on the sustainability agenda.
  • Proportion of investments: All of EQT X’s assets are intended to align with the environmental or social characteristics promoted.
  • Monitoring of environmental or social characteristics: The Fund Manager monitors the sustainability indicators at least annually. Board gender diversity and Science-Based Targets (“SBTs”) status are monitored at least quarterly. The Fund Manager also conducts Portfolio Performance Review (“PPR”) which provides the Fund Manager with a 360-degree owner perspective to track value creation progress in EQT X’s portfolio companies.
  • Methodologies: During the ownership phase the Fund Manager assesses and monitors the portfolio companies’ development with regard to the promoted environmental and social characteristics along the pre-defined KPIs below.
    • GHG emissions: Calculated in metric tons of CO2 equivalents at the level of portfolio companies, while the carbon footprint is monitored at EQT X fund level. The Fund Manager also monitors portfolio companies’ status in relation to SBTs quarterly.
    • Renewable electricity: Calculated using EQT X’s economic ownership of the portfolio company, disclosed on a total basis in MWh.
    • Board gender diversity: Calculated as a simple average consisting of the proportion of women among the board members divided by the total number of companies.
  • Data sources and processing: The Fund Manager performs an annual data collection process where a questionnaire is sent out to the portfolio companies to fill out the relevant ESG-related data requested. Board gender diversity data is updated quarterly via internal systems. The deal team signs off on the reported data from the portfolio companies and the sustainability data controller reviews the data to ensure any gaps or abnormalities are addressed. The Fund Manager then aggregates the relevant data according to predefined methods. The Fund Manager relies on third party service providers which perform GHG emissions and renewable electricity calculations and report the information to the Fund Manager.
  • Limitations to methodologies and data: Sustainability data may not be available in cases where: portfolio companies do not have the resources and expertise to perform regular data collection and reporting, the Fund Manager does not hold an influential shareholding, the exit process has initiated or where there is a timing discrepancy between the data collection process by EQT and the one conducted by portfolio companies. The Fund Manager also identifies limitations to the methodology used, where third party providers or portfolio companies may apply different emission factors when making calculations or where data is unavailable for a particular site. Control and accountability for sustainability-related data within EQT is under constant improvement with the aim of achieving the same level of control, quality and accountability as financial data. When gaps are identified in portfolio company reported data, the Fund Manager will work with portfolio companies to ensure completeness and accuracy to the extent possible.
  • Due diligence: Sustainability is an integral part of the due diligence process and the Fund Manager’s approach to identify investment opportunities. Prior to any investment decisions being made, the Fund Manager undertakes a process to identify material risks associated with a proposed investment. The Fund Manager engages with third party service providers to perform sustainability-related due diligence. The aim of the due diligence is to identify, analyse and address sustainability risks and value creation levers while assessing investment opportunities. Sustainability findings may impact and could lead to the abandonment of an investment opportunity. The Fund Manager applies the Responsible Investment & Ownership Policy (“RI&O Policy”), which describes the Fund Manager’s commitment to sustainability and approach to integrating material sustainability topics throughout its investment and value creation process.
  • Engagement policies: The Fund Manager, supported by the relevant advisory team, will engage with the individual portfolio company’s management team and board of directors to seek to accelerate their positive societal impact, sustainability performance and disclosure practices by setting clear expectations and providing strategic guidance, to the extent possible. The Fund Manager will also seek to appoint a sustainability committee and/or a designated sustainability board member on every board of directors of EQT X’s portfolio companies.
  • Designated reference benchmark: No specific index is designated as a reference benchmark for EQT X.


Printable summaries in English and additional languages

2. No sustainable investment objective

This financial product promotes environmental or social characteristics, but does not have as its objective sustainable investment.

3. Environmental and/or social characteristics of the Company

The relevant characteristics promoted by EQT X consist of investing in, and scaling, solutions with positive environmental and societal impact, as measured by sustainability indicators and promoting sustainable practices in the portfolio companies.

The Fund Manager will ask portfolio companies to develop plans and to reach the following specific sustainability targets in four areas related to EQT’s sustainability ambitions:

  • GHG emissions reduction: The Fund Manager promotes the reduction of GHG emissions (scope 1, 2 and 3) at portfolio company and EQT X fund level.
  • Renewable electricity: The share of renewable electricity of the total purchased electricity in the applicable EQT X’s portfolio companies should increase to at least 85% over time.
  • Board gender diversity: The long-term target of the share of female board members appointed by EQT in the applicable EQT X’s portfolio companies should be at least 40% over time.
  • Governance: The applicable EQT X’s portfolio companies are expected to have a fundamental sustainability governance platform as well as a sustainability board champion to ensure strategic commitment to a sustainability strategy at the board level. Additional expectations include conducting a materiality analysis and having a strategy to achieve at least one ambitious target which is specific to the business model or material sustainability opportunities of the portfolio company.

The Fund Manager’s policies, procedures and/or initiatives (and the related sustainability targets for portfolio companies) may evolve over time consistent with EQT’s overarching goal to make a positive impact and a responsible and sustainable approach to investing.

4. Investment Strategy

(a) Investment Strategy at the Company's Level

In relation to the investment strategy of the Investment Advisor in the investment selection process, the Investment Advisor has implemented a Sustainability Risk Standard in order to integrate the consideration and assessment of sustainability risks within the meaning of the SFDR into its investment selection process as described below. The Investment Advisor does not select funds to be offered based solely on their ESG status, credentials, reporting or disclosure.

“Sustainability risk” is defined in Article 2 of the SFDR as “an environmental, social or governance event or condition that, if it occurs, could cause an actual or a potential material negative impact on the value of the investment”. In relation to integrating sustainability risk into its selection process for deciding whether to establish the Company in order to participate in EQT X, the Investment Advisor implemented a two-tier assessment covering both the Fund Manager and EQT X:

At the manager level, the relevant investment research and operational due diligence teams assess how far ESG and in particular the sustainability risk is embedded into the organisation, its governance, the day-to-day running of EQT X and the Fund Manager’s investment decision-making process. At the fund level, the investment research team assess the extent to which the Fund Manager has integrated sustainability risk into its investment decision-making process for EQT X. The manager and fund level sustainability risk assessments are then combined to produce an overall sustainability risk profile.

As part of the Investment Advisor’s selection process, the overall sustainability risk profile of the Fund Manager and EQT X is considered along with other factors, including the depth and breadth of experience within the investment team, a consistent and disciplined investment approach, track record, market opportunity, and other risk factors. Accordingly, sustainability risk is considered in the round on an integrated basis, along with these other factors, which collectively drive an overall assessment of EQT X by the Investment Advisor.

(b) Investment Strategy at EQT X's Level
Investment Strategy

EQT X will primarily make control and co-control equity investments in mid-to-large-sized companies with attractive market positions, significant potential for revenue and earnings growth, positive underlying cashflows and a platform that can retain and/or attract high-quality management.

Consistent with recent EQT Equity Funds, EQT X will apply a thematic investment approach targeting high-quality companies that the Fund Manager believes have strong potential for development and value creation. As a result of its thematic investment approach, EQT Equity has increasingly focused on investments within healthcare and technology, with such investments representing close to 75% of invested capital across the last three EQT Equity Funds. EQT X will generally focus on investing in portfolio companies in its core European markets and will also seek to make investments in portfolio companies in the US, primarily within the healthcare, technology and business services sectors. EQT X may also selectively explore thematic investment opportunities outside of core geographies for investments where EQT Equity can leverage its global sector expertise, network and local presence.

For almost three decades and through varying economic cycles, EQT’s approach to private equity investing has been based on its industrial heritage and Nordic values, applied through an active ownership model with an entrepreneurial and growth mindset. EQT’s approach has evolved over time to focus on thematic investing with a digitalization and sustainability angle and supporting the future-proofing of portfolio companies to make a positive impact. The EQT Value Creation Toolbox, supporting value creation in portfolio companies, focuses on generating returns through growth, margin expansion and strategic repositioning, enabling portfolio companies to grow and transform into better and more sustainable businesses under EQT Equity Funds’ ownership. Expertise from EQT Advisors is utilized as part of the value creation approach and EQT X will have access to EQT's global network of more than 600 EQT Advisors with deep industry knowledge and senior leadership experience.

The Fund Manager integrates environmental and social aspects throughout the investment cycle, from deal sourcing to exit.

The Fund Manager’s thematic sourcing and investment approach consists of evaluating where alignment exists and identifying portfolio companies that make a positive societal impact or have transformation potential. Through its thematic sourcing and investment approach, the Fund Manager will aim to avoid investing in companies whose products, services or practices cause environmental and social harm (in each case evaluated by reference to those material sustainability aspects that have been identified as having an impact on the ability of the contemplated investment to create or preserve economic or environmental value for itself, its stakeholders or society at large). Where there is no path to mitigate these negative impacts, the Fund Manager will instead promote the transformation of the business to become a positive contributor to society.

EQT X’s portfolio companies are expected to adhere to EQT’s sustainability expectations, expressed in a set of KPIs, which portfolio companies are expected to report on annually. Portfolio companies are expected to develop plans to reach specific sustainability targets in four areas related to EQT’s sustainability ambitions, being: GHG emissions, renewable electricity, board gender diversity and governance.

It is also envisaged that EQT X will include financing structures with an ESG-linked credit facility. The applicable interest rate for the ESG-linked credit facility will be linked to the timely fulfilment of specific targets in the areas identified above. The results from the portfolio companies’ ESG efforts as compared to the key performance indicator targets will also impact the overall interest rate charged by such facility.

Further, EQT X will seek to set and validate SBTs at the portfolio company level (when the SBTs framework has been developed and it is applicable for the asset class of the relevant portfolio company) where EQT X has an ownership of equal to or greater than 25% of the fully diluted shares and board seat(s).

Good governance

Prior to the investment being made, the Fund Manager assesses good governance practices of EQT X’s potential portfolio companies as part of its due diligence process. This includes areas such as management structures, supply chain management, legal compliance, employee relations, remuneration, tax practices and whistleblowing systems, among others. Where actions should be taken to improve these practices, the aim will be to support portfolio companies with the implementation of such actions during ownership.

The Fund Manager seeks to ensure that EQT X’s portfolio companies follow good governance practices by setting clear expectations with respect to transparency and accountability around sustainability, which includes social, environmental and other business governance aspects. These expectations include (amongst other things) a requirement that the relevant portfolio company:

  • adheres to the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact;
  • appoints a board member who is designated as responsible for the portfolio company’s ESG strategy and for setting clear ownership around sustainability-related initiatives at board level; and
  • monitors its sustainability progress and performance.

The board of directors of portfolio companies is expected to actively discuss the approach to improving on the sustainability agenda. Additionally, the Fund Manager will, where EQT X has a majority position in the relevant portfolio company, appoint an appropriate chairperson and require that a representative of the Fund Manager joins the board. In cases where the Fund Manager has co-control or a minority interest, the Fund Manager’s influence is typically more limited, including influence on sustainability matters. Nonetheless, sustainability continues to be integrated throughout the ownership period towards the standards set in the Fund Manager’s RI&O Policy. The RI&O Policy is available on EQT’s website.

5. Proportion of Investment

The Company will invest substantially all of its assets in the limited partnership interests of EQT X.

At EQT X fund level, the Fund Manager intends that all investments made by EQT X are aligned with environmental and/or social characteristics. EQT X does not intend to make any sustainable investments, including taxonomy-aligned environmentally sustainable investments and no assurance is given that EQT X will make sustainable investments within the meaning of the SFDR or the EU Taxonomy Regulation. EQT X may use derivatives (directly or indirectly) for risk management purposes, including but not limited to mitigating foreign currency, interest rate and/or inflation rate fluctuations. Derivatives are therefore not intended to be used as a direct means of making investments or deploying capital.

6. Monitoring of Environmental or Social Characteristics

The Investment Advisor will utilise the assessments, measurements and monitoring information provided by the Fund Manager regarding the impact of the investments selected for EQT X, the data sources and screening criteria for the underlying assets, and the relevant sustainability indicators used to measure the attainment of each of those environmental or social characteristics promoted by the financial product, and how the characteristics are being monitored throughout the lifecycle of the financial product and the related internal or external control mechanisms.

At EQT X fund level, from deal sourcing to exit, the Fund Manager monitors the sustainability indicators at least annually and reports on those indicators in EQT X’s quarterly report. Board gender diversity and SBTs status are monitored at least quarterly. Any variations to the board gender diversity is recorded by the Fund Manager and data is disclosed and reported in EQT’s quarterly report.

Additionally, the Fund Manager conducts monitoring activities within the context of the PPR. The PPR process is designed to provide the Fund Manager with a 360-degree owner perspective and aims to track value creation progress in EQT X’s portfolio companies. To the extent that there has been insufficient progress with respect to the expected positive impact and in cases the Fund Manager has a controlling shareholding, portfolio companies may be required to carry out an analysis in order to determine and report the cause behind the lack of progress to the Fund Manager and establish mitigating steps.

7. Methodologies for Environmental or Social Characteristics

The Investment Advisor will utilise the methodologies used by the Fund Manager to measure how the social or environmental characteristics promoted by the financial product are met.

At EQT X fund level, during the ownership phase the Fund Manager assesses and monitors the portfolio companies’ development with regard to the promoted environmental and social characteristics along the below pre-defined KPIs:

1) GHG emissions

The GHG emissions Scope 1 (direct emissions) and 2 (indirect emissions/purchased energy), as well as Scope 3 (upstream and downstream activities indirect emissions across the value chain) are calculated in metric tons of CO2 equivalents in accordance with GHG Protocol, at the level of portfolio companies. The GHG data are then aggregated at EQT X fund level by considering EQT X’s economic ownership in the portfolio company in accordance with the methodology for carbon footprint explained in the Annex I of the RTS.

Additionally, the Fund Manager also monitors the carbon footprint at fund level, taking into consideration the total GHG emissions in relation to current value of all investments, this in accordance with the methodology for carbon footprint explained in the Annex I of the RTS.

Furthermore, the Fund Manager monitors portfolio companies’ status (i.e. committed, submitted, validated) in relation to SBTs quarterly.

2) Renewable electricity

Renewable electricity for EQT X is calculated using EQT X’s economic ownership of the portfolio company. Renewable electricity for a portfolio company will be disclosed on a total basis in MWh, i.e. independently of the weight of the portfolio company’s ownership in EQT X, and as a percentage over the total of electricity used (%).

The Fund Manager engages with the portfolio companies to increase the share of renewable electricity. This sustainability indicator is used to measure the attainment of the environmental characteristics, such as the acceleration of transition to renewable electricity sources.

3) Board gender diversity

The Fund Manager measures EQT X’s average portfolio company board gender diversity by using a simple average consisting of each portfolio company's proportion of women among the board members divided by the total number of companies in EQT X.

The Fund Manager engages with the portfolio companies to ensure gender diversity in their board of directors. Where the Fund Manager has control or co-control, there is a greater opportunity to impact and shape the board, and in doing so promote diversity across portfolio companies. In minority ownership situations, EQT strives to influence the portfolio company to promote diversity on board level, to the extent possible.

Data for the sustainability indicators is typically collected on an annual basis, with exception of board gender diversity as variations in the board members are collected quarterly. The Fund Manager monitors, evaluates and reports on the indicators on fund level in the periodic report as defined under the SFDR.

Whenever a portfolio company is unable to provide sufficient data, the Fund Manager engages with the company to improve the data availability, to the extent possible. In cases where there has been insufficient progress with respect to a particular indicator, the portfolio company will carry out an analysis in order to determine and report the cause behind the lack of progress to the Fund Manager on a best effort basis.

8. Data Sources and Processing

The Investment Advisor will rely on the Fund Manager's disclosure in relation to the data sources used, the measures taken to ensure data quality, the processing of data and the proportion of estimated data.

At EQT X fund level, the Fund Manager performs an annual data collection process where a questionnaire is being sent out to the portfolio companies to fill out the relevant ESG-related data requested. Board gender diversity data is updated on a quarterly basis via internal systems where deal teams update board gender diversity based on board materials.

In order to increase quality of the data over time, the data collected from the portfolio companies follows a clear review process serving as an internal control mechanism. The deal team signs off on the reported data from the portfolio companies and the sustainability data controller for the relevant business line reviews the data to ensure any gaps or abnormalities are identified and addressed. Sustainability-related roles within EQT are under rapid growth in number and new competencies have been added in support of new ambitions, with a focus on strengthening the sustainability data capabilities. This has also allowed a higher segregation of duties and a higher control over the sustainability data and the collection process.

Typically, the Fund Manager collects sustainability data annually via a sustainability questionnaire filled out by the portfolio companies. The respective deal team updates SBTs statuses and board gender diversity on a quarterly basis.

The Fund Manager aggregates the relevant data according to predefined methods, while relying on third party providers specifically for the calculation of GHG Emissions and electricity consumption. Aggregated metrics are disclosed at fund level as well as portfolio level in the periodic report as defined under the SFDR.

The Fund Manager relies on third party service providers which perform Greenhouse Gas emissions and renewable electricity calculations and report the information to the Fund Manager. In those cases, where the data is unavailable for a particular portfolio company or if partial data is provided for a given reporting year due to data collection difficulties, an estimation technique is used. The quarterly/ yearly consumption data trend for the portfolio company is observed and extrapolated to estimate emissions using available key data.  This is done on a case-by-case basis and highlighted in the reports.

9. Limitations to Methodologies and Data

The Investment Advisor will rely on the description of the Fund Manager in relation to any limitations to the methodologies and how such limitations do not affect how the environmental or social characteristics promoted by the financial product are met.

At EQT X fund level, sustainability data may not be available in cases where:

  • portfolio companies do not have the resources and expertise to perform a regular data collection and reporting exercise;
  • the Fund Manager has co-control or minority interest and therefore has less influence on the data collection process;
  • the exit process has initiated; and
  • timing discrepancy between the data collection process conducted by EQT and the one conducted by portfolio companies, especially in cases of co-control and minority interest.

In such cases, the Fund Manager may rely on proxy data where data is missing for renewable electricity and GHG emissions. While calculating the GHG emissions for each portfolio company, where data is unavailable for a particular site, data from other sites of a similar type are extrapolated to estimate emissions using available key data points (such as floor area, number of employees or production volumes). The Fund Manager discloses whether data is not available and where proxy data has been used to compute indicators in the periodic report as defined under the SFDR.

The Fund Manager also identifies limitations to the methodology used, where third party providers or portfolio companies may apply different emission factors when calculating GHG emissions, thus impacting the final result. In such cases, information related to emission factors and methodology is adequately disclosed. In particular, while calculating the GHG emissions for each portfolio company, where data is unavailable for a particular site, data from other sites of a similar type are extrapolated to estimate emissions using available key figures (such as floor area, number of employees or production volumes).

Control and accountability for sustainability-related data within the Fund Manager’s organisation is under constant improvement with the aim of achieving the same level of control, quality and accountability as financial data. This is an ongoing journey where steps towards the final aim are taken across multiple teams within the organisation.

Therefore, in circumstances where the Fund Manager identifies data gaps, the Fund Manager will work toward completeness and accuracy by engaging with the respective portfolio companies to the extent possible. In any case, the Fund Manager transparently discloses whether data is missing in the periodic report as defined under the SFDR.

10. Due Diligence

The Investment Advisor will rely on the description of the Fund Manager in relation to the due diligence carried out on the underlying assets of the financial product, including the internal and external controls on that due diligence.

At EQT X fund level, sustainability is an integral part of the Fund Manager’s approach to identifying investment opportunities. In fact, the Fund Manager applies the RI&O Policy, which is available on the Fund Manager’s website, that describes the commitment to sustainability and the approach to integrating material sustainability topics throughout its investment and value creation process.

Prior to any investment decisions being made on behalf of EQT X, the Fund Manager undertakes a process to identify material risks (including sustainability risks) associated with a proposed investment. An assessment of these risks form part of the overall investment proposal that is submitted to the investment committee and the Fund Manager. The investment committee assesses the identified risks (which would include any sustainability risks) alongside other relevant factors set out in the proposal. During this process, sustainability risks are identified and assessed using the same process as is applied to other relevant risks affecting EQT X.

The Fund Manager applies a thematic investing approach, focusing on both deploying capital towards innovative solutions that address societal challenges and transforming companies and assets over time. On the other hand, the Fund Manager avoids investing in companies where the products, services or practices cause environmental or social harm or where developing a transition pathway to mitigate such negative impacts through active ownership is not possible.

More specifically, the Fund Manager engages with third party service providers (serving as an external control mechanism) to perform the sustainability-related due diligence. Within the sustainability-related due diligence, material sustainability factors are identified and considered. The aim of the due diligence is to identify, analyse and address sustainability risks and value creation levers while assessing investment opportunities. Sustainability findings may impact the overall transaction process and could lead to the abandonment of an investment opportunity.

“Material sustainability aspects” are defined as those factors that EQT determines to have, or have the potential to have, a material impact on an investment’s ability to create, preserve or erode economic value, including as related to environmental and social value, for that organisation and its stakeholders. The word “material” as used herein should not be equated to or taken as a representation about the “materiality” of such ESG factors under the US federal securities laws or any similar legal or regulatory regime globally.

The outcome of the sustainability analysis is documented in the investment recommendation materials presented to the managers and/or general partners of EQT X and considered in review of the investment opportunity.

11. Engagement Policies

The Investment Advisor will rely on the description of the Fund Manager in relation to the engagement policies implemented, including any management procedures applicable to sustainability-related controversies in portfolio companies.

At EQT X fund level, the Fund Manager is committed to seeking to improve the sustainable practices and sustainability performance of the portfolio companies during EQT X’s ownership period. An essential part of this approach is the governance model put in place for each portfolio company and regular follow-ups of KPIs against targets and expectations. The Fund Manager, supported by the relevant Advisory Team, engages with the individual portfolio company’s management team and board of directors to seek to accelerate their positive societal impact, sustainability performance and disclosure practices by setting clear expectations and providing strategic guidance.

The Fund Manager will seek to appoint a sustainability committee and/or a designated sustainability focused board member on every board of directors of EQT X’s portfolio companies, with the main objective to:

  • Enhance the understanding of the impact of sustainability in relation to value creation and portfolio company performance;
  • Define ESG targets together with the management of the relevant portfolio company;
  • Monitor sustainability-related topics relevant to the portfolio company and bring these to the board of directors and/or management, as required;
  • Facilitate at least one annual board discussion on ESG/sustainability at the portfolio company; and
  • Represent the board of directors in sustainability-related sub-committees and deep-dives.

Moreover, the Fund Manager relies on external service providers to screen companies' involvement in sustainability-related issues by conducting adverse screening of media and engages with them to foster positive long-term developments, in cases the screening process identifies material issues, to the extent possible.

12. Designated Reference Benchmark

No specific index is designated as a reference benchmark to determine whether the Company or EQT X is aligned with the environmental and/or social characteristics that it promotes. Therefore, this question is not applicable and no information is included in this section.

*As used herein, “EQT” is an umbrella term and may refer interchangeably, as the context requires, to EQT AB, and/or CBTJ Financial Services B.V., and/or SEP Holdings B.V., and/or any one or more of its direct/indirect subsidiaries.

As the Company and EQT X are newly formed, the periodic reporting is not currently available. Once the periodic reporting has been conducted for the Company and EQT X, information about such reporting will be made available here to the extent that is required under the SFDR and the Taxonomy Regulation.

As required under the SFDR, please find more information about the periodic reporting conducted for the Partnership and the Fund below:

This disclosure is published on 29 December 2022.