Whether you have or run a family office – or are thinking of establishing one – our Family Office Group’s dedicated family office advisory specialists can guide you at every step.

We advise over 1,800 family offices worldwide, of all sizes and structures.1 Our experience with early stage and well-established family offices enables us to help clients address a range of family and family office matters, including:

  • set up, development, and best practices of family offices, including functions, staffing, compensation and retention

  • professionalization of established family offices

  • family governance, unity and continuity

  • preparing the next generation and planning leadership successions

  • privacy, cybersecurity and technology

  • investment and risk management

In addition to family office creation and operation, our advisory expertise also covers wealth planning and structuring, philanthropy, and art.

How we serve you

Access to Citi’s best thinking

We help family offices access insights and perspectives from across Citi.

  • Annual flagship family office survey report

  • Topical whitepapers and articles

  • Access to Citi’s research and expertise

Education and experiences

To help family office executives and family members stay informed and connected, we maintain an active calendar of content-rich experiences worldwide.

  • Industry-leading annual global Family Office Leadership Program

  • Regional Family Office Executive Forums

  • Recurring insight calls and webinars on key topics

  • Roundtables and small peer group gatherings

Advice and guidance

With an understanding of your needs and goals, we can provide personalized advice and opportunities for peer exchange.

  • One-on-one discussions with advisory specialists

  • Intimate discussions with peers or family members

2024 Survey Report

How are some of the world’s most sophisticated family offices thinking and acting?

Our annual survey of family office clients from around the world seeks to capture their investment sentiment, portfolio positioning, family governance and best practices. Consisting of 50 questions, we believe it to be the most global and comprehensive survey of its kind.


View more insights by exploring select white papers.

Asset location & global mobility

A global presence can bring opportunities and challenges. We explore considerations for families that live and do business worldwide.

Best practices for family leadership succession

Leadership succession is challenging, requiring careful preparation. We share best practices for navigating leadership transitions.

When hope is not a strategy: preparing children for significant wealth

We share a framework of leading practices to prepare the next generation to become responsible stewards of family wealth and legacy.

Meet our people

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